बंद करे

जिला अधिकारियों की देखरेख में जिला दक्षिण पश्चिम के विभिन्न खंडों में COVID19 जागरूकता अभियान चलाया गया और पंपलेट वितरण किया गया ।कोरोना से लड़ने के लिए सुरक्षित और स्वस्थ दिल्ली सुनिश्चित करने के लिए सभी को एक साथ काम करना चाहिए और दूसरों को जागरूक और सतर्क करना चाहिए।

Awareness campaign for covid management behavior is being done today in many villages of Kapasera sub division. Social distancing, mask wearing and regular hand wash are the key points of awareness4
छवि देखें Awareness campaign for covid management behavior is being done today in many villages of Kapasera sub division. Social distancing, mask wearing and regular hand wash are the key points of awareness._4
Awareness campaign for covid management behavior is being done today in many villages of Kapasera sub division. Social distancing, mask wearing and regular hand wash are the key points of awareness3
छवि देखें Awareness campaign for covid management behavior is being done today in many villages of Kapasera sub division. Social distancing, mask wearing and regular hand wash are the key points of awareness._3
Awareness campaign for covid management behavior is being done today in many villages of Kapasera sub division. Social distancing, mask wearing and regular hand wash are the key points of awareness2
छवि देखें Awareness campaign for covid management behavior is being done today in many villages of Kapasera sub division. Social distancing, mask wearing and regular hand wash are the key points of awareness._2
Awareness campaign for covid management behavior is being done today in many villages of Kapasera sub division. Social distancing, mask wearing and regular hand wash are the key points of awareness.1
छवि देखें Awareness campaign for covid management behavior is being done today in many villages of Kapasera sub division. Social distancing, mask wearing and regular hand wash are the key points of awareness._1
Awareness campaign for covid management behavior is being done today in many villages of Kapasera sub division. Social distancing, mask wearing and regular hand wash are the key points of awareness
छवि देखें Awareness campaign for covid management behavior is being done today in many villages of Kapasera sub division. Social distancing, mask wearing and regular hand wash are the key points of awareness.