
e-National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) Scheme

Date : 14/04/2016 - | Sector: Agriculture


National Agriculture Market (NAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal launched on 14th April, 2016 completely funded by Central Government and implemented by Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC). NAM portal networks the existing APMC (Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee) / Regulated Marketing Committee (RMC) market yards, sub-market yards, private markets and other unregulated markets to unify all the nationwide agricultural markets by creating a central online platform for agricultural commodity price discovery. The scheme envisages deployment of a common e-market platform of 585 selected1 regulated wholesale agriculture market yards by March, 2018. The common electronic trading portal will be called as e-NAM.


  1. To integrate markets first at the level of the States and eventually across the country through a common online market platform, to facilitate pan – India trade in agricultural commodities.
  2. To streamline marketing / transaction procedures and make them uniform across all markets to promote efficient functioning of the markets.
  3. To promote better marketing opportunities for farmers / sellers through online access to more buyers / markets, removal of information asymmetry between farmer and trader, better and real-time price discovery based on actual demand and supply of agri-commodities, transparency in auction process, prices commensurate with quality of produce, online payment etc. that contribute to marketing efficiency.
  4. To establish quality assaying systems for quality assurance to promote informed bidding by buyers.
  5. To promote stable prices and availability of quality produce to consumers.


Farmers, Mandis, Traders, Buyers, Processers and Exporters.


Transparent online trading with enhanced accessibility to the market. Real time price discovery for better & stable price realization for producers. Reduced transaction cost for buyers. Availability of information on e-Nam mobile app about commodity prices. The details of price of commodity sold along with quantity are received through SMS. Quality certification. More efficient supply chain & warehouse based sales. Online payment directly to the bank accounts of the farmers.

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