COVID19 Awareness Campaign has been carried out in different section of District South West,Delhi under supervision of authorities to fight against corona to ensure safe and healthy Delhi and look forward that everyone should work together and make the others aware and alert.
District South West has organised an Jan Andolan compaign in all division, govt and private schools and health center of district south west with a message and a pledge by staff members to spread awareness and precautionary measure to fighta against corona
A meeting is chaired by the ADM South West with RWAs and NGOs to spread awareness against COVID19 and distributed masks.
District Deputy Commissioner South West Rahul Singh today discussed how everyone should work together and make the public aware and alert in the coming festivals. Representatives of all religions were present in this meeting.
Health Talks at containment zone testing camp Indira park Sagarpur and polyclinic Pandwala Kalan of District southwest has been carried out to spread awareness and precautionary measure to fight against corona to ensure safe and healthy Delhi.
Hon’ble CM Delhi and Environment Minister Lab and GAD Minister Gopal Rai ji visited and launched preparation of liquid for converting Parali in Compost in Kharkhari Nahar , Najafgarh, South West Delhi
District South-West has organised an IEC campaign-in all government and private schools-message and pledge taking-before and after online classes-to spread awareness and precautionary measure to fight against corona to ensure safe and healthy Delhi.
Pamphlets distribution during survey to home isolation, Munadis, camps in Mandis and Markets describing prevention ways and the helpline numbers for the needy ones of the District SouthWest under the guidance of District Magistrate to fight against Coronavirus
Online COVID-19 Inter school poster making competition held in July and received from DDE South West zone of District South West to encourage the people to Fight against Coronavirus .
Rapid Antigen testing at District South West, Delhi to Fight Against Corona