
National Food Security Mission (NFSM)

Date : 01/10/2007 - | Sector: Agriculture


National Food Security Mission (NFSM) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme launched in 2007 based on the recommendations of the agriculture sub- committee of National Development Council (NDC). The committee pointed out the need for improved agricultural extension services, technology transfer and decentralized planning as a result of which NFSM was conceptualized as a mission mode program.

During the eleventh plan period, the mission achieved increase in production of food grains by 20 million MT; covering rice, wheat and pulses. The scheme was continued during the twelfth five year plan (2012-17) with a target of 25 million MT of increased food grain production. Subsequently, coarse cereals and commercial crops were included under the purview of NFSM. NFSM is currently being implemented across 638 districts in the country.

Key thrust areas of the scheme are as follows:

  • Sustainable increase in the production of targeted crops through area expansion and productivity enhancement.
  • Restoration of soil fertility and productivity at the individual farm level.
  • Rise in farm level net income.




(1) Sustainable increase in the production of targeted crops through area expansion and productivity enhancement (2) Restoration of soil fertility and productivity at the individual farm level (3) Rise in farm level net income

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